- October 2015 - Darus' neurologist wanted him to have a PT evaluation and PT - Jonas took him for the evaluation at Therapy West. The evaluation was completed and the evaluator suggested OT, in lieu of PT, as Darus was unable to follow her instructions, and she felt until he had a greater ability to attend, he would have greater benefit from OT
- October 2016 - Darus' neurologist again suggested he have PT. She wrote an Rx and said don't bother w/ the evaluation, just get him in PT. She said NAPA is the best and since it's so close to our home, it seemed like a good fit. We are STILL on their wait list :-(
- September 12, 2017 - I brought Darus to a well-regarded private physical therapist. Overall the therapist's greatest concern seemed to be his posture. Her primary recommendation was that he see a pediatric orthopedist to have his gait and spine evaluated. She also recommended we might want to get him into wearing a TheraTog under his clothes a few hours per day.
I received her report today and one of her observations regarding his ability to run, "He is not using a reciprocal arm swing when running." .... I have a photo that shows otherwise.
In her defense, the evaluation took place at her office, which had limited space -- additionally, she prefaced the report by stating that Darus was tired and not cooperating well w/ the evaluation - both true statements.
It is unfortunate that evaluations cannot be done in more natural environments; as I do believe children like mine would have more accurate results if they could.