We’ve tried it all. We’ve tried Nutravita supplements, neurofeedback, TCM, acupuncture, herbal tinctures, fish oil, methylcobalamin, 5-HTP, gaba (gamma-aminobutyric acid), lavender oil, frankincense oil, vitamins, probiotics, massage, etc. While I cannot say that these things haven’t helped – nothing has permanently alleviated any of the symptoms of Darus’ condition.
I’ve yet to find an alternative treatment that will help Darus ‘find his words’ and was in fact told, by his former psychiatrist, that there are no bio-medical ways to increase language abilities. His language is developing and continues to evolve – but at a snail’s pace.
I’ve yet to find an alternative treatment that will curb Darus of his impulsive behaviors. Prior to trying guanfacine, we tried Focalin & Adderall. Neither of these drugs worked the way they were intended to work. I believe that the guanfacine (which is typically prescribed as a blood-pressure reducing medication) has helped slow him down and has helped to regulate him, but we never found anything via holistic medicine that worked longer than a few minutes/hours.
I’ve yet to find an alternative treatment that will address Darus’ OCD and anxiety issues. We’ve tried Zoloft, but it was not a good fit for Darus.
Well-intentioned friends and family members have all tried to help. Everyone thinks that they have a cure. Unfortunately, at this moment in time, I do not believe that a cure exists. I am hopeful that someday one will.