
Darus' language seems to come and go.  Sometimes he's willing to repeat many words that I ask him to say ... and other times he's not.  I got this video this morning before we left for school.  Prior to my taking the video he was actively repeating words I'd ask him to say.  As soon as I got my camera out, he got kind of shy.  The original video was 38 seconds, of me coaxing him to say momma.  I cut it down to what you see here - which I think is 18 seconds.  I've watched the video many times and it's interesting to me to watch his eyes/eyebrows move with his mouth.  

About 45 minutes after this video was taken, I was dropping him off at his classroom and at the door, through tears, and with some verbal prompting from his teacher, he managed to say, "bye mum".

Momomomom ... Darus talking.