Today, for the first time, I heard about an interesting service - Pro Au Pair. It's similar to a traditional au pair agency with the exception that all the au pairs that they place have experience in dealing w/ special needs kiddos and/or a special needs-focused degree.
From their website:
"We are dedicated to sourcing, screening and placing experienced professional au pairs with special needs families. Securing the very best childcare for your children can be difficult. With your family’s needs in mind, we have developed a program that makes finding and selecting the perfect special needs qualified au pair easy and enjoyable for you. If any of your children have conditions such as Epilepsy, Autism, Asperger’s Syndrome, Down Syndrome, speech delays, ADD, ADHD, and/or other conditions requiring special attention, then this program may be exactly what you are looking for. PROaupair’s Special Needs Au Pair (SNAP℠) program features professional au pairs who have at least one year of full-time professional experience working with special needs children and/or a degree in Occupational Therapy, Physical Therapy, Speech Therapy, Special Education or other special needs-focused degrees from their home country."